Quirky, bossy and gentle

Flossie was Leishmania positive and only able to walk on 3 legs when she ended up in a shelter, after being rescued by her neighbour. She had been put out on the street and left to fend for herself by her owner who had many dogs. Laura and Jonas found out about Flossie when they were sent a Facebook post by a friend. Flossies’s leg had been operated on while she was at the shelter, but the post also stated that she might never be adopted because of her condition. They did their research and found that it was a manageable disease. Laura recalled that “We went there and we met her and that was it…we will take her!” When they first met her, she seemed to be quite scared of being around all the other dogs and jumped straight into Laura’s lap. Now, you will meet a happy dog who is loving life and is also testing negative for Leishmania.  

Laura and Jonas decided to adopt as “There’s so many dogs out there that need a home. Then at the shelter we saw how many dogs they have!” They had been wanting to find a Portuguese water dog. “She kinda looks like a Portuguese water dog, the white version. She’s crazy about water as well.” 

Laura acknowledges that “It’s this journey that you take on and you actually don’t know what it’s going to be like." In the beginning Flossie was scared and quiet, but then she slowly began to feel safe and show her personality. Jonas noted that “She’s sweet, super gentle. I wasn’t expecting that from a shelter dog.” They have been enjoying being a lot more active now, going for walks and exploring new places with Flossie. She has also proven to be a great travelling companion on car trips.

“I think it’s very rewarding adopting a dog from a shelter, you get to experience these super nice things. I remember the first time Jonas went out with Flossie…he showed me a video of where he let her go off  leash and play with other dogs for the first time and I was like crying like a baby. I was like ‘Oh my god, it’s so nice!’  You know she was in a shelter, and then she had an operation and now she’s running around with these dogs and she’s super happy! I think it’s super nice and it’s super rewarding.”